Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Nancy Pelosi In A Hijab? Someone Notify The Culture Police!

Our little Republican friends were running out of ammunition to use against Nancy Pelosi's for her trip to Syria, being it that it may that a Republican delegation recently visited Syria and a Republican is traveling with Pelosi.

But now, after much effort the right wing presents...

Nancy Pelosi in a hijab!

This is the ultimate proof that the secular Democrats are colluding with Islamic extremist in an effort to rule the United States by Sharia law and hang the crescent and the star over the capital! OH, THE HUMANITY!!

Seriously though, Nancy Pelosi looks more like an poor old farmer woman from Romania than a terrorist in a hijab. I am sorry to be the one to inform the Reich Wing of that, but it's true.

But that hasn't stopped comments like the following:

Indeed, what kind message is Pelosi trying to send?

Hmm, just off the top of my head I bet the message she is trying to send is that she has respect and tolerance for the culture of the people she is visiting. Which is always a good idea when on a diplomatic mission.

A western woman wearing a hijab to a mosque is not a sign of subservience, it is a sign of respect. If a male was to enter a Synagogue it would only be appropriate and respectful for him to wear a Yarmulke. The same rules can be applied to a woman and a hijab when entering a mosque. World Bank President Neocon Paul Wolfowitz even had the "subservience" to remove his shoes when entering a mosque in Turkey.

Laura Bush wore a hijab when visiting the al-Aqsa mosque... Where were the accusations that Laura Bush was being subservient? Where was the disgust and distrust? Laura looks more authentic in a hijab than Nancy, that I can say for sure.

Look at Laura over there, dark blood red lipstick, black glasses and black hijab, she actually looks severe. She looks just like the kind of Muslim matriarch that the whole Drudge-Coulter-Malikin-Limbaugh-Hannity crowd despises. Nancy Pelosi in a hijab? She looks more like a potato farmer from Europe.

But Laura, like Nancy was only showing respect towards the people she was visiting. There is an old saying "While in Rome do what the Romans do." I suspect Nancy and Laura were doing as the Romans do, which isn't such a big crime when you think about it.

Pelosi was visiting an Omayyad mosque in Damascus in which the tomb of John the Baptist is believed to be in.

Pelosi crossed herself before the tomb, an action which should prove her Christianity to the logical. But the illogical ignore Pelosi while she makes the sign of the cross and focus in on her hijab, that despicably evil piece of cloth.

(Funny thought, in the USA it is OK to show lots of skin, the more skin you show, the better. But it is not OK to cover your skin and be modest. Interesting. What does that mean, and what does that say about American culture and sex?)

However, I do regret to inform the airbags at Hot Wind, I mean the windbags at Hot Air -- that the image of Pelosi in a hijab does not pain the left, that's the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard.

I am sure some of the far left, those who are offended by ALL religion (including Christianity) are offended by this move.

But the base prides itself on tolerance and Pelosi wearing a hijab in a mosque is an ultimate sign of tolerance, so I am proud of Pelosi wearing the hijab in the mosque, but wearing a skirt and free hair when meeting with Syrian officials.

So, na-nana-na-bobo...

Monday, April 02, 2007

McCain's April Fools Day Joke

Related : McCain Lies To Media, Calls Media "Jerks" After Lies Are Exposed

Once upon a time I believed that Arizona Senator John McCain was one of the few decent Republicans in this country. But once upon a time I also used to believe in Unicorns and Care Bears and the power of a good decoder ring.

You know John McCain. He's Mr. Strait Shooter, Mr. Strait Talk Express...

But lately, McCain's shooting and talking is no longer strait, but a little crooked.

When asked what "Plan B" was regarding the troop surge Condoleeza Rice replied "Plan B" was to make "Plan A" work. It seems now that Republicans and war supporters have resorted to "Plan C", lie your freaking ass off.

Last week McCain was ridiculed for saying “There are neighborhoods in Baghdad where you and I could walk through those neighborhoods, today,” and "General Petraeus goes out there almost every day in an unarmed Humvee."

McCain's ridiculous assertions were obviously false and were quickly and hotly rebutted by CNN's Michael Ware.

“To suggest that there’s any neighborhood in this city where an American can walk freely is beyond ludicrous. I’d love Sen. McCain to tell me where that neighborhood is and he and I can go for a stroll.”

That's right, because there are not even any streets in Baghdad where an Iraqi can walk freely, so you might as well forget about an American doing it.

Ware also stated that “In the hour since Sen. McCain’s said this, I’ve spoken to military sources and there was laughter down the line. I mean, certainly the general travels in a Humvee. There’s multiple Humvee around it, heavily armed.”

McCain looked like an ass, everyone was laughing at him. He sounded like a senile old fool trying to sell us snake-oil with the promise of eternal youth.

So now, to prove just how safe Baghdad really is on April Fools Day (of all days!) McCain went to a Baghdad market accompanied by 100 soldiers, 3 Black hawks and 2 Apache Gunships.

See how safe Baghdad is? You only need some odd 100 soldiers, 3 Black hawks and 2 Apache Gunships to be safe on the streets of Baghdad! Now, if only we had 100 soldiers, 3 Black hawks and 2 Apache Gunships for every Iraqi, imagine how safe Baghdad would be then!!

So, I think it's obvious. Senator McCain went into that Baghdad market with the intention of trying to prove that he had been correct in his assertion that it was safe to walk the streets in Baghdad.

What McCain really proved by his heavily armed visit was how just how unsafe it is in a Baghdad marketplace.

McCain illustrated perfectly just how dangerous the streets of Baghdad are when his intentions were to illustrate the exact opposite.

UPDATE : Think Progress reports that NBC Iraq correspondent Tom Aspell said this of McCain's marketplace visit :

It looked as though the whole trip had been arranged by someone to get rid of the negative publicity about [McCain’s] remarks in the States earlier in the week.

"It seemed as though he’d come to Baghdad, made a point of going to a market, staging this kind of visit to the market, and it just seemed to backfire.” He remarked that this weekend’s deadly violence in Iraq “made the trip look rather foolish.”

Technical Problems

Ugh. I have received emails informing me that several of my posts are no longer available.

I'm not quite sure what the problem is and I am looking into it.


Sunday, April 01, 2007

WH Condemns Pelosi Plan To Visit Syria, Doesn't Condemn Republicans Doing The Same Thing

Welcome to the age of hypocrisy. In case you haven't noticed we have been living in it for about six years now.

Bloomberg reports that White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's planned trip to Syria was "really bad idea,'' and "Someone should take a step back and think about the message that it sends and the message that it sends to our allies.''

What Perino did not mention is that as she spoke those very words a Republican delegation, including Rep. Robert Aderholt’s (R-AL) and Rep. Frank Wolf (R-VA) were in Syria.

What else didn't perky Perino mention? She also failed to mention that Ohio Republican Rep. David Hobson will also be accompanying Pelosi on her trip to Syria.

So what's up with that? It's OK for Republicans to go to Syria but it's not OK for Democrats to go to Syria?

What kind of double standard is that?

The Iraq Study group recommended that the Bush Administration have direct talks with Iran and Syria, something the Bush Administration has so far failed to do.

So let's can the hogwash and the hypocrisy.
Spring Break Showers ...

I'm not supposed to be blogging... I am supposed to be on Spring Break... But it's raining... AND I am bored... And our country is still going fucking Nero...