Dear Jihadist, I Will Not Wet My Bed When I Think About You At NightMichelle Maglalang Malkin, as usual, is full of "
Hot Air", or maybe she's just full of it.
The John Doe Manifesto" is a creepy proclamation of civil vigilantism. It reads like the author was checking her "Cliffs Notes" on
Stalin's Guide To Disseminating Propaganda as she was writing her "Manifesto" to make sure she got the mantra
just right .
On the surface "
The John Doe Manifesto" appears to be nothing more than the work of fearful and impotent people, trying to make a verbal stand against terrorist.
Closer inspection of the individual orders reveals that the "Manifesto" is asking you to do nothing short of becoming a junior spy to help to create a paranoid and "big brother" like environment in the United States of America.
The use of the term "John Doe" disturbs me in this case because it seems to strip strip the person of it's individuality and insert a rigid and paranoid doctrine of "I Will's" and "I Am's" in it's place.
Just note the frame of the "Manifesto" ;
I am
I am
I am
I will
I will
I will
I will
I will
I am
I will
I will
I will
I will
I will
I am
I will
I will
I will
I will
I will
I will
I will
I will
I am
Now note individual phrases, the following lines smack of Soviet like propaganda.
"I will act when homeland security officials ask me to “report suspicious activity.”
I will embrace my local police department’s admonition: “If you see something, say something.”I will support law enforcement initiatives to spy" ...She forgot to write "
And I will write with the intent of pleasing the 'propaganda ministry' because that is what a good and fearful American does."
Who need liberty when you have security? That's what Malkin is asking.
Of course, citizens need to be alert for their own security to a logical extent -- but this sickeningly pathetic "Manifesto" reads like it was coauthored by Kim Jong Ill's propaganda team to use on the North Koreans.
Furthermore, I am suspicious of anything with the word "Manifesto" stamped on it. I am sure there are many people on the Grassy Knoll handing out "Manifesto's". Ted Kaczynski had a "Manifesto".
In a sense Malkin's "Manifesto", like most her work, has played right into the terrorist agenda, to cause terror. One look at the "Manifesto" reveals truly how fearful some people in this country are.
The terrorist want Americans afraid, paranoid and spying on their neighbors, it feeds their frenzy, hence the word
People like Michelle Malkin also want Americans afraid, paranoid and spying on their neighbors.
While their agenda's may be different I have to be wary of
anyone who wants me to be afraid, paranoid and spying on my neighbors.
Before I scoot off to my Spring Break, I want to break down some of the weaker lines in the "Manifesto"...
"I will raise my voice against your subjugation of women and religious minorities."While
I subject Muslim woman in America to discrimination and show intolerance to religious minorities...
"I will challenge your attempts to indoctrinate my children in our schools."What a flake! Talk about your conspiracy theories! Last time I checked the Muslims were not trying to indoctrinate our children in our schools. Now she's just making sh*t up to justify her call for a spying jihad against all brown skinned people and their acquaintances.
"I will not be censored in the name of tolerance."Oh, jeez, she should give it a rest already! It sounds like she's fighting for the right to use the word "sand n*gger" when speaking of Arabs or something.
"I will put my country above multiculturalism."Uhh, hello! Malkin lady, newsflash!
Multiculturalism is what allowed your Filipino immigrant parents to come to America on a work visa and have an "anchor" baby like you.
Multiculturalism is America, I know it's a concept the Reich Wing fails to grasp, but it's true.
If it were not for
multiculturalism Malkin wouldn't even be in America, spewing her "Hot Air".
Malkin should get real, she's a minority in more than one way and should exercise some of the tolerance people gave to her and her foreign family to others. But she doesn't, leading me to believe she is a self hating b*tch and channels that self hatred on other minorities and immigrants.
"I will not submit to your will. I will not be intimidated."You hear that, you stupid-wupid terrorist? She's not intimidated! Small woman, big stand, she hates terrorist, long time ...
You know what? Malkin's "Manifesto" sounds more like a self help book the more I read it.
"I will not eat to much dessert, I will not be afraid of the dark."... Or like something written for victims of domestic abuse "
I will not let a man undermine my worth, I will not let people tell me what to do." Blah, Blah, by f*cking BLAH!
Not only is the "Manifesto" creepy it is also pathetic, as the title of this post indicates.
The "Manifesto" really shows the terrorist how fearful they have made some Americans when they are willing to sign on to propaganda that was disseminated by fear-bot Michelle Malkin.
But do these silly little Stalinist spies really think their cute "Manifesto" is going to intimidate the terrorist,
if they even see it? I don't think so.
Special thanks to
Chris Kelly at Huffington Post for raising the issue to my attention in a