Sunday, February 25, 2007

Support Or Oppose It, There Needs To Be An Honest Debate On Iraq

Since the beginning the Iraq War has been framed and defined by two points of view in American politics, and neither is wholly realistic.

Side A supports the war and view American and Iraqi sacrifices as worth the long term benefits and also sees Iraq War as the front on global terrorism, though Iraq was not involved in the planning, execution or funding of 9/11.

Side A also believes that a liberated democracy is feasible in Iraq, though many warned Iraq was not fertile grounds for a democracy after decades of oppressive dictatorship.

Side A even supports torture of the same people Side A claims it wants to liberate.

Side A is firmly against "setting a time table" and also believes that "staying the course" (though they don't use that expression anymore ) and accelerating the course will result security at home and in "victory", which we are all assuming is a free Iraq that can protect itself from terrorist.

Side B opposes the war believes the sacrifices being made in Iraq far outweigh the benefits for both Iraqi's and Americans and that the real "War on Terror" is in Afghanistan where Osama bin Laden allegedly is, the 9/11 hijackers were trained and the Taliban is making a resurgence.

Side B argues that the basis for the war in Iraq and execution thereof was fundamentally flawed and therefore the continued execution of it is unjustified.

Side B views the torture of prisoners as unacceptable and contrary to the image of a liberator and contrary to the conduct of a democratized nation.

Side B believes that the United States cannot continue to extend itself indefinitely and that a "time table" and perhaps even restrictions should be introduced.

OK, so it's obvious -- Side A are the Republicans and Side B are the Democrats. But it isn't really so clearly defined anymore, an increasing amount of Republicans are coming out against the war, but it is still impossible to get an honest debate where facts, not political poetry or quotes frame the debate.

If this country is to ever move forward in the right direction the issue of Iraq has to be addressed immediately and directly, we cannot keep sweeping this debate under the metaphorical rug.

The answers will not be easy to find, the options will not be favorable, but our commitment cannot be indefinite, no matter how much we would wish to see a free and prosperous Iraq.

In order for the issue to be resolved there must be debate, and it needs to be open and honest and present only the facts before a reasonable course of action can be drawn.